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Citizens’ voices in national development very effective-CSPR

The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) says including citizens’ voices in national development plans is the most effective approach to attain poverty reduction.

CSPR Board Chairperson Austin Kayanda said this is because people will own the plan and support its implementation.

Mr Kayanda said citizens are a part of the solution to poverty reduction through participation in the National Development process.

Mr Kayanda said the Civil Society Organisations have over the years developed programs for monitoring and evaluation of National Development plans which has strengthened Citizen Accountability and enhanced public service provision.

He said despite the milestones, poverty levels have remained high in the country.

Mr Kayanda said the shadow plan is a key rallying point for all Zambians as it informs the government on the kind of development priorities citizens want to be included in the final plan.

He said CPSR has managed to draft a Civil Society Perspective on the Eighth National Development Plan, through continuous contributions made by various Lead organizations.

He said this in a speech read on his behalf by CSPR Acting Executive Director Christabel Ngoma during a presentation of the Civil Society and Citizen Perspective of the 8th National Development Plan -shadow plan to the Ministry of Finance and National planning.