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CiSCA wants shooting report made public

The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) has demanded for a public revelation on the report findings of the shooting incident of the Prosecutor and UPND member last December.

CiSCA Chairperson Judith Mulenga said on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, State House issued a statement that President Lungu had received the full report of the shooting from the Inspector General of Police on the investigation.

Ms Mulenga said the citizens have the right to know who pulled the triggers and who gave the order to shoot.

She said that after studying the report, the president handed it over to the Director of Public Prosecutions for her attention without informing the public on the content.

Ms Mulenga said President Lungu publicly directed the Inspector General of Police to investigate the shootings and to give him a report by 28, December 2020.

She said the right to life is a fundamental human right which every individual, including Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda, were entitled to.

“The shooting happened in public, and the commissioning of the investigation was public. It therefore follows that the publication of the report be made public. Why has the President become tight lipped on it? We contend that while the report was to the President, the content thereof is for the public,” she said.