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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Choma Magistrate Court adjourns the Sejani abduction case Sine Die

Choma Magistrate Court adjourns the Sejani abduction case Sine Die

The Choma Magistrate Court has adjourned sine die the matter of the people vs Ackson Sejani and four others pending the determination of the State application in the Livingstone High Court.

When the matter came up for the commencement of trial before principal Resident Magistrate Idah Phiri,the state through senior state prosecutor Alex Syulikwa said the adjournment has been occasioned by the state application in the Livingstone High Court pursuant to section 80 of the criminal procedure Court.

The State has applied to the High Court to have the matter transfered to Mansa Magistrate Court citing the lack of security for its witnesses in Choma.

But the defence that included Counsel Clement Andeleki and Cornelius Mweetwa said the grounds set out in the affidavit in support of the summons for change of venue are not only frivolous and vexatious but also not true.

Counsel Andeleki said the Court despite not having jurisdiction over applications made pursuant to section 80 of the CPC,the court is galvanised with power to protect the integrity of the trial process by punishing anyone interfering with witnesses

And Counsel Mweetwa said the case in question has attracted both local and international concerns and spectator tor considering the status of the accused as well as the period in which the accused remained in custody without charge.

The Court has since adjourned the matter sine die and set August 26th,2021 for mention pending High Court determination of the State application.