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Chishala Kateka commends Zesco restructuring

New Heritage Party president Chishala Kateka says the move by the New Dawn Government to restructure ZESCO by unbundling the institution is a commended move.

Ms Kateka said that ZESCO has for a long time been faced with political interference and the use of the institution for funding political activities.

She said the restructuring of ZESCO should not be done in isolation but must be supported with the necessary amendment to policies and regulations.

Ms Kateka said that ZESCO has proved to be a bottleneck to the growth of the energy sector in Zambia.

She said the company has been the recipient of all off-take agreements from private sector power generating companies.

Ms Kateka said ZESCO financial situation has also meant that it has not been able to adequately meet required expansion in this sector, resulting in inadequate power for the nation as well as the regional market.

“We, as the New Heritage Party, believe that by restructuring the company, the institution will be enabled to become efficient and profitable as it focuses on its core business,” she said.

She said the restructuring must not benefit foreign investors more than it should the Zambian people.

Ms Kateka said the restructuring presents a great opportunity to empower Zambians to meaningfully own this means of production.