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Chirundu CDF beneficiaries put it to good use

Chirundu Town Council has completed the first quarter monitoring program of  projects  for 2022 Constituency Development Fund grants beneficiaries in all the 12 wards of the district.

Chirundu Town Council Chairperson Nevers Muchindu said all the 48 clubs and cooperative in the district that benefited from the CDF grants in 2022 have put it into good use as most of them have gone into animal rearing.

Mr Muchindu was encouraged by what he saw on the ground and has advised those clubs who have not yet applied to do so.

He said that the results on the ground are speaking for themselves as people are utilizing the CDF well.

Mr Muchindu said one year down the line things will never be the same as people’s lives will improve.

And Kajazo youth cooperative Chairperson Erick Munsaka beneficially of CDF grant thanked Government for empowering the youths as his cooperative were beneficiaries of K20,000.