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The Independent Observer > News > Chipoka breathes fire,…‘schools’ Harry Kalaba

Chipoka breathes fire,…‘schools’ Harry Kalaba

By Staff Writer
The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Copperbelt Provincial Chairperson Chipoka Mulenga says NDC will not accept and tolerate party members practicing double standards.

And Mr Chipoka has also urged opposition political parties in the country to avoid politics of confrontation and name calling.

Speaking during the party meeting in Mufulira, Mr Mulenga said NDC would not allow political doubling as exhibited by some NDC leaders in Mufulira.

He said all NDC members in Mufulira District who recently attended a meeting called by former Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba would be disciplined.

He has since dropped NDC Mufulira District Chairperson Gladys Banda from her position.

Ms Banda attended and organized a political meeting for former Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba two weeks ago but later back peddled after failing to cash in on Mr Kalaba.

Mr Mulenga said all provincial NDC leaders who have been holding dark corner meetings with the Harry Kalaba political movement would be dropped.

And regarding Mr Kalaba’s, Mr Chipoka called on the opposition political parties to unite and speak with one voice.

He said the main preoccupation of the opposition at the moment should be to dislodge the governing PF.

He regretted that some opposition political leaders have preoccupied themselves fighting one another.

Mr Mulenga said it is morally wrong for opposition members to sow seeds of discontent amongst themselves.

He has since advised former Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba to reflect on his political maneuvers and discourse.

He said Mr Kalaba is spending so much time destabilising structures from other opposition parties.

The NDC Copper belt provincial chairman said this at a.

He said it is unfortunate that the former Foreign Affairs Minister seems to be fighting a misguided political battle.

Mr Mulenga who is also a member of the NDC Central Committee has advised Mr Kalaba to reflect on his conduct that is dividing the opposition.

He has advised Mr Kalaba to fight the Pf and not NDC consultant Chishimba Kambwili.

And Mr Mulenga has advised NDC members not to fall prey to political opportunism being driven by money.

Mr Mulenga said politicians should use political ideologies to woo supporters.

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