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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Chipangali needs dedicated teachers- Council Chairperson

Chipangali needs dedicated teachers- Council Chairperson

Chipangali Town Council Chairperson has appealed to the Ministry of General Education to deploy teachers who are dedicated to duty and willing to serve in Chipangali.

The Council Chairperson was reacting to a statement made by Chipangali District Education Board Secretary Ms Felistus Nkoloma that the district is producing poor results among learners because most teachers who are supposed to be in Chipangali are in Chipata.

Mr Nkhoma said this is an hinderance to fulling the entitlement of the people of Chipangali of improving public service delivery especially in the education sector.

He said the high teacher pupil ratio caused by teachers that have not reported for work in Chipangali has affected the pass rate and education standards in the district negatively.

” It is saddening to hear that Chipangali district which has over 2000 deployed teachers only has 500 teachers in the work stations, the district can only attain sustainable development when learners access quality education from qualified teachers that have passion for the profession.

Mr Nkhoma has revealed that he has written to the District Education Board Secretary’s office to come up with a list of teachers whose pay points are in Chipangali yet are not working in the district, adding that the matter has to be resolved quickly.

He has expressed disappointment at the teachers who long to be recruited by government and then abandon their respective work stations when many are longing to serve in those schools..