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Chinsali Council given 14 days ultimatum to control cholera outbreak

Chinsali District epidemic awareness subcommittee has given the local authority in the area an ultimatum of 14 days to control the looming cholera outbreak at Chinsali main market.

District Chamber of commerce Chairperson Aggrey Musamba says the inadequate toilets at the Central Business Center (CBD) area is an enabling environment for cholera outbreak.

Speaking during a meeting to review the status of the district on various health alert on disease outbreaks held in the district boardroom today, Mr Musamba said that there are limited toilets at the facility since its construction in 2000 against an increased population.

“ The other toilet at the bus station was closed three years ago after public complaint of not being in a bad state. This has left the Chinsali CBD with only a small flushable toilet whose capacity cant accommodate the growing number of traders, “ he said.

And district health surveillance officer Kayombo Sakutaha, said 2023 was a challenging year as the district recorded an increased number of diarrhea cases compared to 2022.

Mr Sakutaha attributed the development to poor hygiene as most people are practicing open defecation especially in public places.

He also attributed increase diarrhoea cases to erratic water supply and general hygiene which he said if not attended to urgently, Chinsali risks a cholera outbreak.

The epidemic preparedness committee resolved and tasked the council to improve on public health service provisions.
And Chairperson for the epidemic committee Samson Muchemwa has tasked the council to improve public health delivery saying he expects more from the local authority this year.

Mr. Muchemwa added that he would want to see value for money from the levies the council collects from traders on daily basis to be used prudently than risking the multitude of people to disease outbreaks that are preventable.

In response Chinsali Municipal Council Public Health Director Abwino Banda informed the meeting that the council is in the process of concluding the contract with the sewerage company and ensure that the toilet at the bus station is made habitable and open to the public.

Mr. Banda added that the local authority in partnership with the Local Impact Governance Project are procuring the rubbish bins to be mounted in different places to reduce indiscriminate throwing of waste.
The epidemic preparedness committee also resolved to engage in public sensitisation on the dangers of littering so that the public become aware of how to prevent cholera.