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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Chingola woman sentenced 3 years imprisonment for assault

Chingola woman sentenced 3 years imprisonment for assault

By Ireen Mulenga
The Chingola Magistrate court has sentenced a-43-year-old woman to 36 months simple imprisonment for assault.

The complainant in this matter was Maureen Kaloza who told the court that on the fateful day, Sharon Kamboye went to her place to tell her that her husband will be with another woman at her place around 19:00hrs.

When Maureen noticed that the husband had not been home at that time, she went to Sharon’s place around 21:00hrs, upon knocking Sharon asked Maureen what she wanted and that how they engaged in a fight and in the process Sharon pushed Maureen and her leg got twisted. That’s how Maureen reported the matter to the police.

Before Magistrate Shadrick Chanda was Sharon Kamboye of 141 Twashaka Site and Service Chiwempala facing one count of assault and occasioning body harm contrary to the laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence are that on 28th August, 2020 in Chingola Sharon assaulted Maureen thereby causing her actual bodily harm.

In mitigation Sharon pleaded for mercy that she is the bread winner who keeps orphans and if she is sent to jail her children will suffer.

In passing judgment Magistrate Chanda said that the prosecution has proved the case beyond any reasonable doubt and he found Sharon guilty as charged.

Magistrate Chanda told Sharon that women are looked at with humility but nowadays women behave like men.

“I have heard what you have said, I feel I need to send an appropriate signal out there to deter other would be offenders. I thereby prescribe a custodian sentence for you,” he said.

Magistrate Shadrick sentenced her to 36 months simple imprisonment.