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The Independent Observer > OS > Chingola tarred roads lit

Chingola tarred roads lit

Dear Editor,

I write to applaud the good work AVIC is doing in lighting Chingola roads through the installation of street lights on all roads that were recently tarred.

It is my duty and that of every Zambian to commend good works that border on development once executed.

My appeal however is to all citizens to guard the street lights being installed on our roads from vandals jealously if the beauty of Chingola is to be realised.

The township roads that are already lit look very wonderful when driving or indeed walking along in the evening, bringing the sense of security on us the residents as we move about.

Our township roads indeed needed this upgrade as far as yester years though it is never too late.

Katunga road from Prosecution Offices going into Chikola looks beautiful and safe in the evening now that the road is lit.

Having been one of those that spoke the most over this road when there was need then, I feel my commentaries were not in vain.

Wisdom Muyunda
Chikola Resident


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