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Chingola: Shimulala in serious water crisis

Shimulala community is appealing to the relevant authority to come to their rescue in providing clean water at the health post and school.

The ground water in Shimulala area is heavily polluted by mining activities.

The sunk solar bore hole by Konkola Copper Mines has stopped working since March due to some faults this year but hasn’t been repaired.

Speaking on behalf of the community at a meeting which was held by Catholic Commissioner for Justice and Peace (CCJP) of Ndola diocese Brenda Siachipula said they carry water to the health post when they are sick.

Ms Siachipula said that even school going children have to carry a container of water to school.

She said that water is a challenge due to the pollution by the mining firm and appealed for help to the people who can help them.

And Sustainable Natural Resource Empowerment Initiative (Sunrei) Founder Eugene Muelenga has called on the authority to find an urgent solution before lives are lost due to drinking contaminated water.

Mr Mulenga said that there is need for authority to find the solution and one of the solution he mentioned was tapping of raw water from up Stream of Kafue River.

He said the upstream is not affected by discharge from the mines.

“The water utility can come in provide piped water to the community even raw water as long as the people have access to pollution free water which they can treat at home. The ground water at Shimulala is compromised by the mining activities and government to do something as soon as possible,” he said.

Chingola District Commissioner Mary Chibesa said the Shimulala water problem had been tabled by KCM and were supposed to take to the site recently but the plans were disturbed by the divorce going on between KCM and Vedanta.

Ms Chibesa said her office will make fresh arrangements to ensure people have access to clean drinking water.

Meanwhile, Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company Managing Director Kanyembo Ndhlovu says the water utility firm can make immediate remedial measures as Government is working on the long term solution.

Mr Kanyembo said Shimulala is the plan of the current utility peri urban water initiatives.

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