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The Independent Observer > News > Chingola sex lady loses case

Chingola sex lady loses case

By Ireen Mulenga
The Chingola Magistrate Shadrick Chanda has acquitted Kelly Shawa in a case in which he was facing one count of burglary and theft contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

Before the court was Mr Shawa 36, of plot 1439 Green Box in Buyantanshi who was dragged to court on allegation of stealing a blanket, a dress and bed sheets worth K1935 belong to Annie Nkonge.

Particulars of the offence are that Mr Shawa on October 17, 2020 Mr Shawa had sex with Nkonge who wanted to turn the sex advantage into a profiting making venture by demanding K500 from Mr Shawa.

The condition was that should Mr Shawa fail to pay, she will report the mater that he had stolen the aforementioned items

But Mr Shawa was not moved by her machination and Nkonge proceeded take her next course of action.

Giving evidence before the court, the Ladlady Nelly Musoda testified Mr Shawa did not steal from Annie instead she wanted to use sex to extort k500 from Mr Shawa.

In passing judgment Magistrate Mr Chanda said the two parties agreed to have sex and he did not know why Mr Shawa was brought to court.

He then discharged Mr Shawa.