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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Chingola records 9 Christmas babies, Luanshya records 11

Chingola records 9 Christmas babies, Luanshya records 11

Chingola District has recorded a total number of nine Christmas babies who were born on December 25, 2022.

The babies born were six girls and three boys from different Health centers in the district.

Meanwhile Luanshya district has also recorded eleven Christmas babies who received gifts hampers from the Mayor Charles Mulenga, District Commissioner (DC) Oncemore Ngonomo and Roan Member of Parliament (MP), who jointly conducted a tour of some hospitals and health facilities in the District.

During the special visit the trio also took time to talk to the mothers of newly born babies and other patients. They encouraged mothers to take good care of their babies. The mining town received its first Christmas baby, who is male in the early hours of Sunday at Roan General Hospital around 04:55 hours.

By press time a total of 11 births were recorded from Thompson District Hospital, Roan General Hospital and Fisenge Health Centre.

Roan General Hospital   recorded seven babies, Thompson recorded three births, while Fisenge Health Centre received only one Christmas baby.

Mayor Mulenga said all children are gifts from God and deserve be treated in a dignified manner which includes protection from all form of abuse.

And the DC Mr Ngonomo said Christmas babies are a source of light and hope for better things to come because they are born on the same day with Jesus Christ – the one who brought light to the world.

The Roan parliamentarian said he was lobbing the Government to rehabilitate Roan Hospital using Constituency Development Fund (CDF) because he was concerned about the plight of expectant mothers and other patients at the institution which is also a referral medical centre catering for the entire District.

Some mothers who received the gift hampers thanked the Mayor, DC and MP for the gesture, which they said brings joy to them and their households, but also alleviates them from the adverse effects of social-economic