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Chingola re-launches Covid-19 vaccine

Chingola District through the Ministry of Health has re-launched the District Covid -19 vaccination campaign.

The Covid-19 campaign was re-launched under the theme (Roll up your sleeves, fight covid-19 and take the vaccine.

Speaking at the re-launch, Chingola District Health Director Davies Mwewa said that Chingola has a long way with Covid- 19 fight hence calling on everyone to be involved.

Dr Mwewa said the Ministry has involved the District Leadership in Chingola to reach out to many people in fighting the pandemic.

And Acting Chingola District Commissioner Maximillian Makasa said that Covid-19 has affected all sectors of the economy and it’s important for all to take responsibility and get the Covid-19 jab.

Mr Makasa who was the Guest of Honor called on Chingola residents to get vaccinated against Covd-19 and be protected from the anticipated fourth wave.

“The New Dawn Government last Thursday Re-launched the Covid-19 vaccine, the president in his remarks made it clear that the vaccine is safe and therefore it is important that we work together in achieving at least 70 percent of the vaccine coverage, “he said.

Speaking at the same function Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe said that Covid-19 is real and it important to join hands in fighting against the pandemic.

Mr Kangombe said that the pandemic should be taken serious and implored all Civic Leaders, and other stakeholders to take the Covd-19 Jab.

And one of the residents who took the jab Moses Mutengwa said that he was happy to be among the persons who has taken the Jab.