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Chingola MP gets a shot in the arm

Chingola Member of Parliament Matthew Nkhuwa has received support from Chinese Association in Zambia (CAZ) to build 1×3 classroom block at Shimulala School.

The Chinese Association is in support of Mr Nkhuwa’s developmental initiatives in his constituency.

The Project Manager John Banda said he would want to finish the project in three months so that when pupils open in term two they should find new classrooms.

Mr Banda said with the support from the community that had molded bricks, the K380, 000 project which is being financed by CAZ has kicked off and is expected to be completed in three months.

He said the challenge has been weather and he would up his game on days without rains to do more works.

“We have done the compaction and we hope to execute the walls in four weeks, then we come to roofing before adding final touches,” he said.

And Shimulala Head Teacher Christine Kapyelata thanked Mr Nkhuwa for coming on board to build a 1x3classroom block.

Ms Kapyelata said Shimulala which has 500 pupil goes up to Grade 9, but hey only have five classrooms.

She said at the moment they are using a house which was built by parents as a classroom and the same house is in deplorable state.

“This is the house we also use for the lower section Grade 1-4 and we also use the same house for adult literacy. The other good news is that government through the Ministry of Education has introduced External Grade where those that fail can re-sit for exams but they have to attend full time classes.

“The construction of the 1×3 classroom by Mr Nkhuwa is a good gesture and we will only have a shot fall of two classes. We needed more space and it is coming,” she said.

Shimulala is 12 kilometres from Chingola Central District Business.

Mr Nkhuwa who has been on marathon to construct several education infrastructure has built two by three classroom blocks at George Mwelwa along Solwezi Road.He lobbied with Round Table of Chingola that equally built a 1×2 classroom.

A third 1×3 classroom block is at roof level. Previously, children used to learn under a tree and in churches but I have fixed that problem.

At Kakalo, children were also learning under a tree but has built a 1×3 classroom, sunk a borehole and constructed toilets at the same school.

At Musenga, he is building science laboratory, at Chigayo he is doing a 1×3 classroom block which is at slab level.

In Kawama pupils had no desks but he provided 96 desks.



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