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Chingola Mayor Urges Inclusion for Children with Disabilities

Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe has called on parents who have children with disabilities not to hide them in homes but instead embrace them like any other children.

Mr Kang’ombe said it is unfortunate that some parents think that children with disabilities can do anything.

He said this during commemoration of world Day of people with Disabilities on Sunday.

The Mayor said, children with disabilities are a blessing to their parents and the nation at large.

“These children are a blessing and needs support and special care, like those who are able to go to school should be given an education and other things they can do, they have potential and ability to do certain things let’s just support them and not look down on them.

And Wakwesha WA Nzambi organization Chairperson Henry Mutembu said the journey of raising a child with disabilities has a lot of challenges and stigma but that should not be reason enough to hide children with special needs.

Mr Mutembu said disabled children should be embraced be taken to schools because there schools which provide special education.

He said children with disabilities have the potential and the ability   to do something with there lives.

“My appeal to Government is to make the environment favorable in hospital these people needs medicine to keep up but sometimes they medicine are not found in hospitals, even in schools they should not be stigmatized,” he said.

Meanwhile Thomas Mtonga a Lecture at UNZA also visually impaired said children who are differently abled should not be left behind as there is assistant technology to help them attain great things.

And sparks mining donated a wheelchair and 20 cloches to the most need.