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The Independent Observer > News > Chingola Mayor donates to a girl with strange skin disease

Chingola Mayor donates to a girl with strange skin disease

By Donna Mbalwe
Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo has donated food stuff worth K2,000.00 and cash of K500 to the Kayeye family of Chiwempala who has a young woman Mirriam Mofya battling from strange skin rash.

Mirriam 23, with two children started suffering from the strange skin rash three years ago.

Mr Tembo made a prompt visit to the Kayeye family and promised that he would take over the matter so that Miriam can be given medical support.

Mirriam is kept by a grandmother who happens to be a widow and literally struggles to put food on the table.

During the visit it was discovered that the same rash has started spreading to the other family members including her four months old baby who she even weaned because she cannot continue breastfeeding as the rash was contagious.

As per promise the Mayor made, the District Health Director has since been informed and the family was referred to Nchanga North hospital where they took some samples awaiting for results and some medicines have been prescribed but she has only managed to buy some due to financial constraints which the family is going through.

Well-wishers who would love to assist this family with the medicine or even food stuff can render their help through the office of the Mayor.


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