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Chingola Mayor disappointed with water blues

Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo says he is disappointed with the erratic water supply that has hit Chingola’s Nchanga North.

Mr Tembo says he wants the two parties Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company and Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) to sit down and resolve the perceived impasse.

The northern part of Chingola is supplied by raw water pumped from Nchanga underground, the mine owned by KCM which Mulonga Water treats and supply to Nchanga North.

The Mayor said it was sad that most parts of Chingola had been experiencing erratic water supply for the past five days.

Mr Tembo has acknowledged that he is very much aware of the water blues in the District.

He said the Local Authority has engaged and asked Mulonga Water to find possible solutions on how best they can rectify this serious problem and improve on the water supply.

He said the Department of Public Health, has collected the samples of water which has high physical appearance to the Food and Drugs Laboratory in Lusaka for bacterial and chemical analysis.

The Mayor said a group of residents stormed Council offices this morning, the Department of Public Health with samples of water which appeared greenish and brownish with a foul smell.

Mr Tembo said that Chingola Municipal Council is aware of the matter as the Local authority is the custodian of the residents of Chingola.

“This development can no longer be condoned as this can lead to waterborne diseases and eventually claim lives of residents,” he said.

And Mulonga Water Managing Director Kanyembo Ndhlovu has equally apologized to residents saying the problem is compound.

See related story: We are sorry-Mulonga water

But in the short term, we are hiring water bowsers to try and lessen the burden. In fact, we will deploy two bowsers today. More remedial measures will be employed to mitigate the situation,” he said.

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