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Chingola Man convicted for defiling step-daughter

The Chingola Magistrate court has committed to high court a-52-year-old man awaiting sentencing for defiling his 13-year-old step-daughter.

The convict in this matter was, Siwell Chinkoyo of Kapeshi farming area in Lufyanyama, who was having sex with his step-daughter contrary to the laws of Zambia.

Facts before the court are that on November 29, 2020 the victim told the court that on this day everyone left to the field and the victim remained alone. The field is approximately 100 meters away from home.

She said that she went back to sleep and after some time she woke up and found her step-father  touching her and told her not to shout or he would kill her.

The victim said later the father was disturbed by her elder sister, who came to ask for fire and was not aware that the father had come back. The victim never reported to her sister in fear of the threats the father pronounced. After her sister left she wanted to go to the field where her mother was but her step father stopped her and told her to cook Nsima for him. When she went back to pick the pot he followed her and he took off her chitenge and pant and he also took off his trousers and he began having sex with her.

She said as they were having sex her mother came back from the field and found them in the act and the step-father started dressing up.

The victim said that her elder sister came and reported to the elders who told the accused to buy a white material and leave the village, so she went on to report to the neighborhood who later reported to the police.

Magistrate Shadrick Chanda found the accused guilty as the prosecution proved the case beyond any reasonable doubts and convicted him accordingly.

Magistrate Chanda told the accused that the matter was beyond his jurisdiction and committed him to high court for sentencing.