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The Independent Observer > OS > Chingola: Kabundi ward Councillor assured of clean water

Chingola: Kabundi ward Councillor assured of clean water

Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company has assured Kabundi Ward Councillor Brian Banda that the company is going to work on the brown water problems which his ward is facing.

The people of Kabundi have been complaining of the brown water that they have been receiving from Mulonga Water and the awkward time they receive water.

One of the residents Daisy Chikwa said that they receive water at night and don’t get chance to fetch water by the time they wake up the taps are dry.

Ms Chikwa said the brown water makes then incur large bills as they have to wait for the water to run before water can clear.

She said the company shouldn’t have hiked the water bills because the people are not using the water.

“We receive water around 03:00 hours and 04:00 hours when we are sleeping and sometimes water just run because children leave taps open thereby incurring more bills,” she said.

Another resident Agnes Bwalya said the water sometimes even come with a certain bad smell with some dirt particles making it difficult to drink.

Ms Bwalya said the women were ready to match to Mulonga if the situation continues to see if the people at Mulonga offices are drinking the same water in their office.

The area Councillor had called Mulonga Water to his ward to check the type of water people were drinking.

Mr Banda said the dirty water made the people doubt if it was safe for drinking.

Mulonga Public Relations Manager Deborah Kangende assured the Councillor that the issue will be dealt with once and for all.

Ms Kangende told Mr Banda that there are stakeholders who should work together for the benefit of the community.

She said that the company is making strides to serve its customers better and she was happy that Mr Banda had approached the company for the way forward.

Ms Kangende assured residents that the water is safe and well purified and that the company is working on the color.

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