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The Independent Observer > News > Chingola: Chinese fined K10, 000 for being possession of guns

Chingola: Chinese fined K10, 000 for being possession of guns

Chingola Magistrate has fined a Chinese National K10, 000 for being possession of firearms without a licences.

Magistrate Martin Namushi fined Bin Giang 32 and Elias Mwale 21, K10, 000 each for been master minds and organizing the group.

The other 12 Zambians were fined K4, 500 each.

The money is to be paid within 10 working days or face nine months and seven months simple imprisonment respectively.

In passing judgment Magistrate Mr Namushi said that he has head the mitigation but the offence they were facing was serious and if left unchecked it can threaten the security of the national.

He said the fine will deter would be offenders and for the convicts to reflect on their conduct and therefore fine accused one and accused two to a K10,000 fine and K4,500 for the rest of the accused.

This is in a case where the 14 men where facing four counts among them unlawful drilling.

All of them were acquitted for unlawful drilling but were found guilty in the count of being possession of firearms.

Particulars of the offense are that Bin Giang 32, of Makeni in Lusaka, James Banda 20, of 26 Andrew Mwenya road Chiwempala, Martin Chinyama 25, 61 Kanongesha road in Chiwempala, Samson Sinkala 19, of 82/B11 Kamba Drive Nchanga North, Joseph Phiri 23, and Isaac Phiri 25 both of 12 Lwele road Chikola, Kellison Kapasa 27, of 4 Kazunga street Nchanga North, Bruce Simukonda 23, of 39 Old Airport Nchanga North, Muloiso Mkandawire 23, of 12 pine Kabundi North.

Others are Albert Mwansa 23, of 6956 Lupando Street Nchanga North, Elias Mwale 21, of 25/35 Makeni Lusaka, Sydney Mupeta 26, of KB8 Kafue Makeni Lusaka, Arthur Sinkonde 28, of Namwala Street Nchanga North, Pintu Boniface 31, of NC4 Namwala Street Nchanga North.

On July 16, 2019 the 14 men jointly and whilst acting together were found in possession of firearms namely air guns without a firearm license.

In mitigation Giang said he was the bread winner for his family in China and he didn’t mean to hurt anyone.

And speaking on behalf of the 13 Zambian who were represented by legal Aid Board Fidelis Mwauluka in mitigation said that his clients were remorseful for the act and it was not intention as they were misled by their employer.

Mr Mwauluka said they were law abiding youths who choose to look for employment and not engage in other bad vices unfortunately found themselves on the wrong side of the law.

He said some of the youth are in colleges and are engaged in activities that will better their lives.

State Senior Public Prosecute Timothy Mwikisa made an application for the fire arms to be forfeited to the state.

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