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The Independent Observer > OS > Chingola: Chinese buying farm land at cheaper prices

Chingola: Chinese buying farm land at cheaper prices

Dear Editor,

It has been discovered that some Chinese nationals are buying pieces of land at cheap prices here in Chingola.

Land owners are convinced by these nationals by offering them money in return for land.

Zambians are busy selling land at cheap prices because of Poverty and love for money.

Also the increase of rates to buy a farm by the local authorities and the ministry of Lands has led us to where we are.

Some Zambians who occupy these pieces of land do not do any farming at all.

For example, the land in question is the farming block along Solwezi road in Chingola, Lufwanyama district, Chief Nkana’s area, Luapula Province, Lusaka Province and other provinces as well including the famous North-Western Province.

Where on earth can a Zambian acquire land on title and on lease for 99 years in other countries?

Zambians! Think about your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. Where do you think the next generation will live and cultivate? The love of money is poisonous and sin to God.

Sam Kalaba
Chingola Political Analyst

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