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The Independent Observer > debra richie > Chingola bus drivers protest

Chingola bus drivers protest

The bus drivers in Chingola are protesting against the arrest and detention of two of their colleagues who were arrested in the morning by police for loading at free style loading point at Total filling station.

Soon after word went round that Debra Richie one of the jerabos who was set ablaze had died, the drivers of big buses Rosas of 32 seater went to load from Total.

This angered Chingola Council and its Mayor Titus Tembo unleashed police officers who arrested two that were found loading.

But Kabundi bus Driver Webby Machisa said the reason for the protest had nothing to do with death of Debra.

Mr Machisa said the drivers were protesting to demand that their colleagues be released.

He said drivers of big buses were upset because the Council had allowed Hiace minibuses to load from Total at K15 thereby killing the business of the drivers loading from Mwaiseni.

“We then opted to load from the same station at K15 to take people to Kitwe and that was how we were chased and two of our friends were arrested,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chingola Police Chief Peter Miselo has summoned all bus associations’ bosses at the stations at his office where the meeting is underway.

In the morning the Miselo lead riot squad visited all the media stations inquiring of the one responsible of airing fake news.

So far the situation is peaceful but commutators and members of the public are walking from town to various townships in Chingola.

Munsenga, Kasompe, Lulamba are the furthest.

But Total Filling Station free style loading point remains active despite Hiace buses not being there at the moment.

No transport to Kitwe and now people are jumping on vans. This is the famous Total Free Style bus station

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