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The Independent Observer > Business > Chingola bus drivers adamant on station in town

Chingola bus drivers adamant on station in town

Chingola bus drivers are adamant that they want to have the Kitwe station to be moved into town center to sustain their businesses.

The drivers want to save the transport business in district which has collapsed due to free style station at total filling station.

William Shoba said business had drastically gone down because of pirating Hiace buses at Total filling station.

Mr Shoba said the population of people coming from Kabudi, Kapisha, Soweto, and Riverside had grown and people are complaining that they can’t jump on two buses and go to Kitwe.

He said the drivers are on the Local Authority’s feet asking for help because they also have a responsibilities to pay school fees and meet basic needs.

“We are crying to the council we are business men we want money how are we going to pay taxi if they is no business, those people at Total are making money but they are not paying tax,” he said.

But Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo re-emphacised that the station at the moment will be maintained at Mwaiseni putting into consideration sanitation and space in town center.

Mr Tembo assured the drivers that the issue of pirating would be dealt with as council had put up measures to curb it.

He said that pirating is on the rise and thereby depriving business from buses that pay tax.

“Council will move in to reduce pirating in our town those who are used to jumping pirate cars I want to warn you that you will inconveniences because the bus station is Mwaiseni” he said.

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