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Chinese govt prospers its youths, economy-Zambian Youths

The 32 Zambian youths visiting China are impressed with how the Chinese government has pushed the young people to become employers.

Copperbelt PF Youth Chairperson Don Mungulube is leading a team of 32 youths in China who are attending a Seminar in Beijing, China on Integrated Rural and Urban Development and Poverty Reduction for Zambia.

Speaking from China, Mr Mungulube told The Independent Observer, his team had learnt a lot of lessons from China especially with the youth’s performance towards industrialization agenda.

He said the government of China is ready to fund any youth that comes up with a viable proposal provided it has economic benefits.

“We visited a factory currently being run by a youthful administrator. The factory manufactures noodles out of sweet potatoes which has created empowerment for the youths who currently sell their final products locally and abroad. The initiative was started by the youths and later submitted to the government for funding.

“And because of the commitment and seriousness youths had attached to their proposal, the government of China through the line ministry did not hesitate to approve the proposal. The business is sustainable and profitable not only to benefit the youths but will equally contribute to the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and the national food baskets. China’s engagement of the youths is premised on the refined character and industrious mindset for the youths. Youths are the main players in the factory and industry sector under the industrialization agenda,” he said.

Mr Mungulube has called on the Zambian youths to take up the responsibility to grow the economy for a better Zambia.

He said President Edgar Lungu has opened up the door and ready to empower youths for great responsibility and industrious characters.

He said industrialization is the key aspect of the Patriotic Front agenda in its party manifesto.

He said China and Zambia has a lot of similarities, hence using its concept as youths to help turn around the economy of Zambia.

The program runs up to October 4, 2019 and during the official opening the 32 youths from Zambia will also visit other Provinces of China.

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