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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Chililabombwe PF security team secure block making machine, empowers team

Chililabombwe PF security team secure block making machine, empowers team


Chililabombwe PF security team has raised funds for the block making business to empower the team.

Chililabombwe PF Security Chairperson Joseph Cheba said the block making business will provide youths in the security team with employment and education sponsorship.

Mr Cheba was speaking at the end of year party/fundraising as their ended the year in style at Mac chab Lodge.

He said the security team is nurturing a violent free Chililabombwe by empowering it youths with resources that will enhance their livelihood.

Mr Cheba said only a youth with no way out of poverty will be used as a tool of violence to make ends meet.

And Chililabombwe Member of Parliament Richard Musukwa through is campaign Manager Emmanuel Kunda announced that he had already purchased the machine for them worth k100, 000 instead the money raised at the event will go toward preparations of land for work.

Mr Musukwa also sent a message of peace saying that the duty of a security member is to respect all government workers, even as the new year begins it’s your duty to insure we have peace in Chililabombwe, abstain from all forms of violence.

The MP was represented by Chililabombwe Deputy Mayor Gift Vinkhumbu as guest of honor alongside Chililabombwe PF campaign Manager.

A number of stakeholders were present including KCM personnel and other business executives and a number of party officials made pledges towards the purchase of the machine.