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Chililabombwe MP, walking the talk

One area that really needs our robust approach as Chililabombwe is the agriculture sector specifically maize growing.

Kasumbalesa is a ready market for all the people of Chililabombwe and to harness the growing of maize, as Chililabombwe Member of Parliament, I embarked on fertilizer distribution to the vulnerable.

My President His Excellence Edgar Changwa Lungu has been emphasizing on the need to venture into agriculture to uplift the lives of our people.Chililabombwe MP

We also had a robust empowerment program for the church, Taxi drivers and marketeers.

The marketeers at Mine market, Lubengele, Buntungwa, Kamenza and Kasumbalesa all benefited from marketeers empowerment program.

I also brought in Taxi Drivers from Town centre, Kasumbalesa, mine, Lubengele, Shoprite and border to border to also benefit from the MP’s empowerment in an effort of making the lives of our people better.

Our focus in the year 2019, was mainly targeted at helping our people emerge and become productive so that their children can go to school and get an education.

We all know that an educated nation is a wealth one.

Following the many empowerment programmes we made I remain upbeat to do more because as I interact with our grassroots I still see a lot of challenges which needs to be addressed and what we have done is a drop in an ocean.

In the health sector we are building the JT Mushikita clinic in Lubengele Township and we have bought a brand new Land cruiser Ambulance to be stationed at the newly built JT Mushikita clinic.

We built mothers shelter at Lubengele Clinic, donated power generators at Lubungele clinic and Kakoso mini hospital.

At Lubengele we have also built the outpatient department. We have focused so much on Lubengele, because we want to decongest Kakoso mini hospital.

All the aforementioned projects were undertaken using by the Grace of God through the Resources provided and cooperating partners.

Roads in former mine Townships of Chililabombwe are an urgent matter and in 2020, I implore the Minister of Finance to release money to ensure the roads are done.

I also urge the Minister of Health to prioritize the completion of Chililabombwe District hospital so that we unburden Kakoso mini hospital.

I’m determined to improve water reticulation in Kakoso, Kamenza East and Kawama. The deplorable state of roads in former mine Townships is a Must for the Year 2020.

I wish to make mention of Lubengele Catholic Parish which was the most innovative on the empowerment of churches.

With the money we gave them, having completed the construction a hall at church they bought a pool table where all young ones go to play pool thereby make money for the church and at the same time, tactfully stop the young ones from patronizing the bars where bad vices are common.

We remain open to suggestions, new ideas on how best to serve our people and most importantly we are available for advice and corrections because we are not angels.

We don’t know it all but bring it on, we needs the support of all the stakeholders to come together and make Chililabombwe a place that we desire to see.

Let’s promote love, unity and peace and discourage violence, hurt speech and insults with the rains rattling every day.

I urge all of us to engage in productive ventures such farming in order to guarantee house hold food security as a priority

Following the several empowerment we made, may I now wish you a fruitful festive season.

Hon Richard Musukwa MP
Chililabombwe Constituency

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