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Chililabombwe launches Junior Mayor project

Chililabombwe Municipal Council has launched the Junior Mayor project.

Chililabombwe Mayor Christine Mulala said the project is aimed at rejuvenating and inculcating a sense of understanding and responsibility in the youths about the Local Government and issues of governance.

Speaking during the launch, Ms Mulala said the project is also meant to boost confidence and sharpen leadership skills in young people who aspire for public office and improve their understanding of governance issues especially in communities.

She said government is an all-inclusive entity and does not want to leave anyone behind in the development agenda.

The Mayor said Chililabombwe Council has targeted youths so as to include them in the decision making process of the local authority.

“Some of you will agree that in developed countries youths do not wait for adults to push their agenda instead they are well organized in groups such as youth councils who push their agenda until it is met by the relevant authorities,” she said.

Ms Mulala said youths are equally confident and courageous to push through agendas that will address their needs and ensure that they are addressed through relevant channels and when needs arises.

She urged all the participants to take the project serious as they to learn a lot from it.

Ms Mulala challenged everyone to play their part in ensuring that the junior Mayor projects is ongoing so that youths grow up with rich understanding of the local governance system.

Chililabombwe Council has picked pupils from eight schools to compete on the debate and essay writing competition under the topic ‘My waste, My Responsibility.’

During the lunch pupils from Muleya, Chililabombwe Combined, Kamenza, Lubengele, Kakoso, and Mitondo secondary schools including Kokola which is in peri urban school were given a platform to debate and showcase their knowledge on garbage Management.

“The project which will see an election of a Junior Mayor and Deputy Junior Mayor to represent the youths of the district and push through their needs to ensure that they are dressed by the municipality for the benefit of all youths in the community.

The Junior Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be awarded with K2, 500 and K2000 respectively which will go towards school fees and other school supplies.

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