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The Independent Observer > News > Chililabombwe Council warns against street vending

Chililabombwe Council warns against street vending

Chililabombwe Municipal Council (CMC) has warned traders to desist from street vending.

CMC Assistant Public Relations Manager Chilufya Chungu said that the Municipality has noted with concern an increase in the number of traders in the District engaging in street vending especially after 16:00 hours.

Ms Chungu said the Public Health Act cap 295 and statutory instrument no. 12 of 2018 local government (Street Vending and Nuisances) clearly stipulates that street vending is an offence and is punishable by law.

She said the council wishes to caution all traders to desist from such kind of trade or risk legal action being taken against them.

Ms Chungu said that the Local Authority further wishes to warn traders to be weary against persons purporting to be collecting levies on behalf of Council and report such persons to the nearest police station.

She said traders are encouraged to remit levies to identified Council revenue collectors and demand a receipt (bearing Council name and logo) as proof of payment.






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