His Royal Highness Chief Cooma of Choma district has set a pace to abolish the elopement of girl child to eradicate Early Child marriage by the year 2030.
The Traditional Ruler said his Chiefdom has a road map which guarantees the retrieved child brides with safe shelter, provision of basic needs and education sponsorship through the partnership. apart from the set bylaws to curb the vice.
Speaking at the Provincial Campaign against early child marriage sponsored by World Vision Zambia in Choma yesterday Chief Cooma revealed that in partnership with Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia (MCMZ), the chiefdom has abolished the elopement of girls in order to end Child Marriage.
Chief Cooma said that his Chiefdom is recording reductions in the early child marriage prevalence which he credits it to the partnership.
He said that the chiefdom noted the daunting challenge Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia was undertaking to eradicate early child marriage in his chiefdom which deserved everyone’s support therefore he embarked on monthly maize contribution to meet the basic needs and food security for survivors of early child marriage.

Just as the saying goes, “Actions speaks louder than words”, Chief Cooma handed over two bags × 50kgs maize samp contribution to Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia for the month of October, 2018 and appealed to government, NGOs, traditional leaders, and individuals to support the work carried by Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia and survivors of child marriage under their care.
And Southern Province Minister, Dr Edify Hamukale said the Zambian government is working with Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia over the years to address the early child marriage problem in the region.
Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia Executive Director, Sibbuku Genious Musokotwane said traditional leaders are key partners in the fight against early child marriage as the vice has a direct impact on their subjects.
Mr Musokotwane states that the fight against child marriage should be owned by the people as its effects has a huge negative long run impact on the nation’s economic, health and development trend.