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The Independent Observer > Business > Change your mindset, believe in yourselves- Chiteme

Change your mindset, believe in yourselves- Chiteme

Minister of National Development Planning Alexander Chiteme,  has urged youths to change their mindsets and believe in themselves to succeed in life.

The Minister was speaking in his Nkana Constituency in Kitwe during the Thanksgiving Mass for Father Mark Ngwenya, who was ordained as a Jesuit Priest, at Our Lady of Africa Parish on Sunday.

Hon Chiteme advised the youths to desist from bad vices and focus on working hard for them to realize their purpose in life.

“My appeal to the youths is that let us change our mindsets. Let us believe that only hard work is going to make you fulfil the destiny you were made for,” he said.

He cautioned the youths against tolerating the beliefs that they could be rich through Satanism or killing people.

The Minister observed that some parents had inculcated wrong beliefs in their children that people who were succeeding and creating wealth in their lives were dependent on powers of the devil.

“That is bad and not true. Let us believe in God and work hard,” he  said.

The Nkana Member of Parliament expressed concern about youths’ gangs such as Sons of the Devil and Tokota Boys that have been terrorising people in Kitwe.

He urged parents to monitor their children and guide them in the right direction for them to grow up with God’s love for one another.

“These Sons of the Devil, Tokota Boys come from our homes. They are our children, they are our youths. Let us show them the way of peace and not beating up people, stealing and all those bad vices they are involved in,” the Nkana Member of Parliament said.

He urged Zambians to emulate the hard work of the Chinese instead of just complaining that they were grabbing their land.

“If you go towards Chingola Road the land was given to us Zambians. Who has sold it to the Chinese again? We sold it to the Chinese ourselves. Now we come to cry that the Chinese have grabbed land from us. The Chinese are doing the very things that right now you are supposed to be doing,” he said.

The Minister urged the Zambians to acquire financing from the government, and invest in agriculture and other sectors to grow the economy.

He added that people should heed the call of the forefathers to ‘go back to the land’ and invest in agriculture.

Hon Chiteme said Zambians must diversify the economy for the benefit of the current and future generations.

The Minister congratulated Fr. Ngwenya and wished him God’s grace to continue fulfilling his calling.

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