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CEJ nodes 3 mine operations suspension

By Staff Writer
Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) has thanked the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development for suspending three mines.

Government recently suspended Jifumpa Mine in Kasempa District, Collum Coal Mine in Sinazeze, Southern Province and Chibuluma Mine Site on the Copperbelt after inspections.

CEJ Head of Research Freeman Mubanga urged Government not to wait until the situation deteriorates in mining operations.

The CEJ Head of Research hinted that his organization was looking forward to the adherence to the Mining Regulations 301 (c) where all the anomalies must be satisfactorily addressed, rectified and re-inspected.

Mr. Mubanga explained that CEJ supported responsible extraction of natural resources without endangering the lives of miners and the host communities.

He stated that CEJ learnt with sadness increasing numbers in fatal accidents at Collum Coal Mine in Sinazongwe District which required regulatory intervention.