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The Independent Observer > Headlines > CCPC refutes non attendance to consumers buying expired goods

CCPC refutes non attendance to consumers buying expired goods

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has refuted claims by Civil Society Scaling up Nutrition (CSO-SUN) Alliance that the commission is unable to offer assistance to consumers buying expired products.

Last week, (CSO-SUN) Alliance Country Coordinator Mathews Mhuru said he was disappointed that consumers who reported retail stores selling expired foods haven’t received much assistance other than being advised to engage the same supermarkets or stores.

CCPC Director Naomi Fulaza said that CSO-SUN did not inform the commission on the matter despite them being among key stakeholders it engages on various consumer protection issues.

“It has come to the attention of the CCPC that some supermarkets are selling expired products to unsuspecting consumers, contrary to the law. This information has been brought to the knowledge of the Commission through the Media.

She said that the Commission mainly receives complaints through random inspections, walk in clients, as well as feedback from the general public.

Ms Fulaza said it is the Commission’s mandate to protect consumers in Zambia and investigate unfair trading practices.

She said selling of products that are about to expire, on promotion is not an offence per se under the Competition and Consumer Protection Act when the trader has informed customers.

She has warned traders to desist from engaging in any form of unfair trading practice, such as the sale of expired products as this is punishable.