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The Independent Observer > News > CBU re-opens August 19, students’ suspension lifted

CBU re-opens August 19, students’ suspension lifted

The Minister of Higher Education Brian Mushimba says Copperbelt University (CBU) will re-open on August, 19, 2019.

And Dr Mushimba has also lifted all suspensions meted on students.

Speaking during a media briefing in Lusaka today, Dr Mushimba said students that were suspended will be expected to pay heavier surcharges upon returning to the University.

He said the decision to re-open the University has been arrived at following extensive consultations with key stakeholders.

He said that the continued closure of the university has had a negative financial impact on the institution.

“It is therefore the considered view of the Ministry that the students have been punished enough through their absence from learning for over three months now and government has seen it wise to re-open the University without further delay” He said.

Dr Mushimba said security situation at the institution will continue to undergo improvement.

He said disciplinary measures would be meted on students upon returning for causing damage to both private and public property.

Dr Mushimba cautioned all students that the riotous behavior and damage to public and private property will not be condoned.

He said Government will not hesitate to close down the University should such behavior occur in the future.


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