Blog Post

Chingola Mayor playing double standards on vending

Chingola Mayor playing double standards on vending

Dear Editor, After expressing my concern over the damage of pavement, today I want to understand the criteria Chingola Mayor
Chingola Council blind to protect road infrastructure

Chingola Council blind to protect road infrastructure

Dear editor, I’m so disappointed with our local authority Chingola Municipal Council. Fern Avenue is still under construction and was
Kapiri Dry Port coming

Kapiri Dry Port coming

By JOHN SAKALA The Dar es Salaam Corridor Group (DCG) and the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) have entered into a
ZamPost buses in Chingola, a nuisance

ZamPost buses in Chingola, a nuisance

Dear Editor, I’m a disappointed motorist that the authority in Chingola has allowed Zampost to be parking its luxury coaches
Lungu’s admittance of corruption opens Pandora’s box-UPND

Lungu’s admittance of corruption opens Pandora’s box-UPND

By ALICE NACHILEMBE United Party for Nation Development (UPND) Deputy Secretary General Patrick Mucheleka says President Edgar Lungu’s admitting of corruption reveals
Social cash transfer malpractices shock Lungu

Social cash transfer malpractices shock Lungu

President Edgar Lungu writes; Four months ago, I ordered an administrative inquiry into suspected misuse of the Social Cash Transfer
Yaluma, a disappointment to Malole

Yaluma, a disappointment to Malole

Dear Editor  It is saddening to note that Mpanda area has not received any development in terms of road infrastructure.
Media silence on sexual reproductive health worrying

Media silence on sexual reproductive health worrying

By NCHIMUNYA MIYOBA Media Network on Child rights and Development (MNCRD) has called on the media in the country to
Neither China nor Anglo-America will develop Zambia

Neither China nor Anglo-America will develop Zambia

Dear Editor, I would like tell Zambians that are either defending China or the West that they are enemies Zambia
US owns up to faulty HIV test kits in African countries

US owns up to faulty HIV test kits in African

Two US state agencies have acknowledged inaccurate HIV tests in Kenya and several African countries. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Centres for