Blog Post

Govt provides US$40, 000 grant to a Chibombo agro-processing company

Govt provides US$40, 000 grant to a Chibombo agro-processing company

The Government has provided US$40,000 as a special grant under the Strengthening Climate Resilience in the Kafue Sub-Basin Project (SCRiKA)
Expedite disposing off KCM litigation case-MUZ

Expedite disposing off KCM litigation case-MUZ

The judiciary has been challenged to quickly dispose off the court case concerning the liquidation of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM).
Gymkhana squatters in Chingola jailed

Gymkhana squatters in Chingola jailed

By ALICE NACHILEMBE The Chingola Magistrate Court has sentenced Brian Lubumbe and four others to three months and one month
Splinter unions worry MUZ

Splinter unions worry MUZ

By NCHIMUNYA MIYOBA Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) says the multiplicity of unions in the country has posed a big
Douglas White, 2 others put on defence for forgery

Douglas White, 2 others put on defence for forgery

By ALICE NACHILEMBE Chingola Magistrate Court has found Douglas White and two others with a case to answer and put
Lulamba man convicted for sexual defilement

Lulamba man convicted for sexual defilement

By ALICE NACHILEMBE The Chingola Magistrate Court has convicted a-51-year-old man of Lulamba Township for sexual defilement and he has
Senior Army Officer kills Dr Tasila Tembo-Pitters

Senior Army Officer kills Dr Tasila Tembo-Pitters

By JOHN SAKALA Police in Lusaka have launched a manhunt for the killers of the famous medical doctor Tasila Tembo-Pitters.
LAZ dismayed by the push for Bill 10

LAZ dismayed by the push for Bill 10

By Thulasizwe Tembo The Law Association of Zambia President Abyadi Shonga says a constitution should never suffer amendments on political
RDA head to Peatauke to asses Mvuvye brige

RDA head to Peatauke to asses Mvuvye brige

By JOHN SAKALA The Road Development Agency (RDA) says it has dispatched a team of Engineers from the Bridge Unit
CiSCA appeals to MPs to remain resolute in rejecting Bill 10

CiSCA appeals to MPs to remain resolute in rejecting Bill

By JOHN SAKALA The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CISCA) Acting Chairperson Judith Mulenga has appealed to all well-meaning Members of