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Caritas Chipata drills Boreholes

Caritas Chipata has drilled six boreholes in six villages in Chipangali District to help the people have access to safe and clean drinking water.

And Chipangali Town Council Chairperson  Maxson Nkhoma said the people of Chipangali District have expressed gratitude toward Caritas Chipata for the gesture.

Mr Nkhoma said the Local Authority is delighted to note that Caritas Chipata has already started implementing the water Project in the District within a Month after stakeholders meeting which was held in March 2022.

He said the Local Authority remain optimistic that under this 4 years project which Caritas Chipata is implementing, water challenges faced by most villages will be eradicated.

Mr Nkhoma said this project which Caritas Chipata has started implementing is well in line with the vision of the Chipangali District Council to improve and enhance access to safe clean drinking water to the people of Chipangali by the year 2031.

“The Local Authority will continue lobbying non-governmental organizations, faith based organizations and the private sector to come on Board in its pursuit to spur inclusive development in the District which places the people at the centre of development,” he said.

The villages the borehole are been drilled in is Kapangwa Village in Lukhuswe Ward, Mangulu Village in Kasenegwa Ward, Kamkuwe Village in Msandile Ward, Mangombe Village in Msandile Ward, Penias Village in Msandile Ward and Londolani Village in Sisinje Ward.

In March this year Caritas Chipata held a stakeholders meeting at St Margret Secondary school in Chipangali District and announced that our District had been enlisted as one of the District to benefit from their program of drilling water Project which would run from 2022 to 2025.