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Cabinet approves National productive policy

Cabinet has approved for implementation the National Productivity Policy.

Cabinet observes that productivity is an overarching issue, affecting all the sectors of the economy.

In a statement, Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya said in order to strengthen the existing policy framework being pursued by Government to diversify the economy through massive industrialisation and job creation, it is imperative that a National Productivity Policy is adopted.

Ms Siliya said Cabinet also approved for publication and introduction in Parliament during the current sitting, “The Electronic Communications and Transactions Bill, 2020.”

She said the Bill will supporting Government’s efforts to enhance electronic services as part of the Government transformational agenda.

And Cabinet has approved for publication and introduction in Parliament, “The Data Protection Bill, 2020.”

Ms Siliya explained that Cabinet has observed that the current legal framework does not provide for an effective system for the use of personal data, or the regulation of the collection, use, transmission, storage and otherwise processing of personal data as well as the registration of data controllers and licensing of data auditors and the rights of data subjects.

Also approved, in principle, is the introduction of the Local Content Bill in Parliament.

Cabinet also approved, in principle, the introduction of Bills in Parliament to review the membership by Permanent Secretaries on Boards or Committees.

Cabinet has noted that the current practice of appointing Permanent Secretaries on Boards or Committees goes against the principles of good corporate governance and the very rationale for the designing and usage of the Statutory Boards.

Meanwhile, Cabinet approved the appointment of a ten-member Board of Directors for the Legal Aid Board for another three-year tenure.

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