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Cabinet approves 3 bills

Cabinet has approved the introduction of three Bills to Parliament and the appointment of a thirteen member team of the Zambia Law Development Commission.

Speaking in a statement, Government spokesperson Chushi Kasanda says one of the Bills will regulate private security companies in Zambia to monitor their activities and enhance accountability.

She said this is because the sector has grown with companies offering a variety of services with different structures and mandates.

Ms Kasanda who is also media and communication minister  said the other approved Bill is the amendment of the Forests Act No. 4 of 2015.

“The Bill will provide stiffer penalties, strengthen enforcement mechanisms and establish procedures for the gazetting, elimination and bring the law in line with new and emerging issues such as Forest Carbon Stock Management,” she said.

Ms Kasanda said the current Forests Act of 2015 is weak regarding penalties against offenders and has continued to pose enforcement challenges.

She said Government is determined to protect the forests especially for selected high value endangered tree species such as Mukula, Rosewood, Teak and Mukwa so that the citizens benefit from such, through value addition going forward

“Cabinet also approved the introduction of the Bill in Parliament to repeal and replace the Non-Governmental Organizations Act No 16 of 2009,” she said.

This is in order to strengthen the current legal framework by providing for the registration, coordination and regulation of the NGOs in line with the National Non-Governmental Organizations Policy that was approved by Cabinet on 9th April, 2018.

And, Ms Kasanda also said that Cabinet has approved the appointment of a thirteen member team of the Zambia Law Development Commission which will ensure effective discharge of the mandate of the Zambia Law Development Commission.

She said the commission has had no members in place since the tenure of the previous office holders expired in June, 2021.

Cabinet has also approved the implementation of the Cash Plus Approach to enhance the efficacy of social protection programs and offer the ultra-poor and vulnerable in the country, an opportunity to be lifted out of poverty.