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The Independent Observer > News > BYE BYE JOHN!


By Steve Mark Misori
Nairobi, Kenya

HOW fast can life fade! Just how cunning can death be! What really is the joy in sharing so much with a comrade who fades without a bye! What is the essence of holding our associates so close to our heart when their death hurts us to the brim.

Waking up that cool morning to the news of sudden death of the founder of The Independent Observer (TIO) John Chinya Sakala was not only shocking but also quite telling of how life has become elusive. In 2013, when I heard my first conversation with him, I could read in him commitment and passion in what would later become ‘The Independent Observer.’ I had just written my first book titled, ‘Village Under Siege’ and was looking forward to joining Print media when he did offer me a chance.

My life in print media began here through John Sakala who until his death was the editor in chief of the media company. He kept sending articles to me for proof reading and editing. Through these assignments, I was able to secure my column ‘ The Solemn Voice.’ A column that would run every Thursday. John Chinya Sakala was passionate about news and quality of that very news.

The late John Sakala did not shy away from introducing me to his great friends in the media industry. Through him, I also came to know some of his friends. Today, even as John’s body is lowered to the grave, his legacy must live on. His friends must rise to the occasion and walk the journey of the late John Sakala. His dream should not fade since his friends know what he adored most.

I can’t forget in 2013 when he took me through the people he holds dear in his media journey. He hinted to me that Alfred Mukanaka – head of campus Zambia institute of Management, Mumba Soko, Mannix Daka, Elizabeth Fitwishi, Misheck Wangwe, Alice Nachilembe among others must believe in this course.

As ‘The Independent Observer’ family, we must rise to the occasion and share with the world that what the late John Chinya Sakala believed in was honest and independent reporting!