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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Bus fares increased

Bus fares increased

The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) and Bus and Taxi Owners Association of Zambia (BTOAZ) have resolved to increase bus fares.

The increase follows a consultative meeting held today in Lusaka were bus operators requested to vary their current Road Service Licences (RSL) by making adjustments to bus fares as stipulated under the Road Traffic Act No. 11 of 2002.

Head Public Relations Fredrick Mubanga said the desired increase has been effected after approval by all concerned stakeholders including the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Mr Mubanga said the move is in line with the conditions under which the Road Service Licences (RSL) are granted.

He said the decision was arrived at following the increase in the fuel pump prices by the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) on 27th December 2019.

Therefore, following the said meeting, bus fares have been increased effective 7th January, 2020 as follows:

  • All long distance (Intercity) routes by 13 per cent;
  • Inter mine Copperbelt routes by K2.00;
  • Copperbelt local routes by K1.00;
  • Lusaka local routes by K2.00; and
  • Lusaka Peri–Urban routes by K2.00.


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