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BTOAZ to announce bus fares tomorrow


The Bus and Taxi Owners Association of Zambia (BTOAZ) is tomorrow expected to announce new fares.

And BTOAZ National Spokesperson Amis Daudi said the decision to announce the new fares follows a consultative meeting with the Government through the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA).

Speaking in a statement, Mr Daudi said this was in line with the established consultative procedure in effecting adjustments to the bus and taxi fares in the country.

He has since appealed to all public passenger transporters to be patient and accommodative to allow the consultative process to end before implementing new bus and taxi fares.

“The BTOAZ remains committed to the promotion and delivery of a safer, convenient and efficient public passenger,” he said.

But, yesterday transport operators in Chingola already increased fares following Fuel and Petrol increments on Friday last week by the Energy Regulation Board announced new fuel prices with effect from December 17, this year