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BSLT commends Govt on quality health care

Born Shot Living Tall Zambia has commended the Government through the Ministry of Health for a commendable job it has done in the provision of quality health care services to the Zambian people.

BSLT ZAMBIA Executive Director Ntalasha Chisha said that it is evident that the Ministry of Health under Dr Chitalu Chilufya has scored a lot of positive achievements in the sector.

Mr Chisha said the upgrading of clinics to First Level Hospitals as well as the construction of new Hospitals and clinics across the 10 Provinces of this country.

He said his organization that deals with the welfare of persons with disabilities is happy that the Ministry of Health has taken health services closer to the people thereby making it easier for differently-abled persons.

Mr Chisha said access to quality health services is within their locality without having to travel long distances as was the case in the past.

He said that this is a milestone achievement by the Ministry owing to the fact even people in rural areas are no longer required to walk long distances in order to access health institutions.

Mr Chishala said it is the first time in the history of this nation that we are seeing this kind of investment in the health sector and we can only say thumbs up to the Government.

“However, we want to also make an appeal that as we are putting up these structures, let us also make them more user-friendly for persons with disabilities who should be able to access these facilities without any challenge. The health facilities should also be equipped with adequate medical equipment and supplies,” he said.

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