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The Independent Observer > News > Broken trucks on highways killing our people

Broken trucks on highways killing our people

Dear Editor,

I appeal to government through the ministry of transport and communication to revisit the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) Act to give it more autonomy.

After analyzing a lot of accidents where lives have been lost before due to vehicles hitting in stationary vehicles that have broken down on road, the latest being the one that happened on Chingola Kitwe dual carriage involving Catholic members, I feel we should go the South African way.

RTSA should be empowered to have a monitoring system of all, if not major roads in the country to know where there is a broken down vehicle so that it can toll it to a Savage yard where the owner will have to get it after paying a fee.

This is the only way we are going to reduce road accidents. The Scorpion bus in Solwezi which claimed about 14 lives also hit into a stationery truck.

If our friends in South Africa even use choppers to airlift broken down vehicles from their roads, we surely can also do it, all that we need is political will.

This also brings me to ask as to when Chingola-Kitwe road will be completed and commissioned.

I ask this because this short stretch is now being patched before it is even commissioned.

What is really so complicated with this road that it has taken this long to complete?

Wisdom Muyunda


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