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Brazilian Tourism club to partner with Zambia

A Brazilian company that promotes tourism in Africa has expressed interest to partner with the Zambian government in promoting its natural wonders in South America.

The Brazilian Premier Tourism Club selected Zambia as one of the tourist destinations in Africa in the new online marketing project after learning of the country’s rich tourist attractions.

The online tourism project which already has South Africa in its loop, is an innovative way of promoting African Countries in Brazil and other South American countries in order to create interest for tourists to take holidays in Africa.

The company is currently working with different countries in Africa with modern and digital platforms in showcasing its tourism attractions.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Brazil Dr Alfreda Kansembe-Mwamba embarked on routine marketing of Zambia’s tourism sector to South Americans, in the first quarter of 2020.

And speaking during a virtual meeting in Brasilia, Ambassador Kansembe-Mwamba assured Brazilian investors that the tourism industry in Zambia is a major sector with several National parks, waterfalls, lakes, rivers, and historic monuments.

Dr Kansembe-Mwamba said Zambia is commonly regarded as one of the most beautiful, friendly, diverse countries on the entire African continent with more natural water resources than any other southern African country.

The Zambian envoy said Zambia’s game reserves also provide a pristine sanctuary to a wide variety of wildlife, and boast some of the best game viewing opportunities in the world.

Dr Kansembe-Mwamba also said that Zambia is a hub of peace in the Southern Region as it has demonstrated the spirit of oneness and has played a key role in accommodating all people across the globe regardless of race and colour.

The Premier Tourism Club is expected by the end of September this year to launch a website for Zambia and it will be named “Zambia-Turismo “.

Director of Premier Tourism Club Sergio Jose Maciura said his Association recently conducted a study that revealed Zambia’s rich tourism attractions that the world needs to learn about.

Mr Maciura expressed optimism of a possible partnership with Zambia, stating that his company is ready to promote Zambia’s tourism attractions to Brazilians and other South Americans.

This is contained in a statement issued by First Secretary (Press and Public Relations) Zambian Embassy, Brazil
Grace Makowane.

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