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Boy set his guardian ablaze

A-36-year-old Nurse of Kawambwa has been brutally murdered and set ablaze by a 21-year –old boy she used to keep.

Police Officers discovered her burnt bones in a rubbish pit with remains of burnt tyres at her house.

Brief facts of the matter are that in 2016 Bulemu Kafunda the victim bought a small holding farm at a nearby village in Filope Area, whilst there she identified a boy who by then was not doing anything.

The victim decided to take custody of the boy namely Davy Chishiba and enrolled him at Kawambwa Skills School whilst staying with him in town.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga who confirmed the incident said Kafunda continued staying with Davy the suspect at her house whilst providing him everything including school requirements.

Mr Hamoonga said during the six years of staying with him the victim noticed some change of behaviour from the boy whereby he started coming home late, sneaking into her bedroom and doing other strange activities.

“On 22nd November, 2021 the boy wrote his last grade twelve examinations paper. The victim immediately summoned the father to the boy and explained about the bad behaviour of the boy and they concluded that the boy should move back to the village since he had finished his grade twelve,” he said.

He said both the boy and the father were not happy with the decision, though the father agreed.

Mr Hamoonga said on November 27, 2021 both the victim and the suspect retired to bed not knowing the boy had made arrangements with other people to kill her.

He said that prior to November 27, 2021, the victim was on November 26, 2021 supposed to report for work but she didn’t. The Nurse in charge at Kawambwa District Hospital decided to contact her through the phone but her phones were off.

Mr Hamoonga said on November 30, 2021 around 18:10 hours the matter was reported at Kawambwa Police station and a follow up was made by Police.

He said upon searching at the house the officers found a written note on the victim’s bed stating that; “She was raped by unknown person hence she felt ashamed of what had happened that she has gone to the farm in Filope Area. The note further stated that, 10% of her properties should be given to Davy Chishiba.”

Mr Hamoonga said a search was extended to her farm and nothing was found at the farm though the caretaker a Mr Chishimba other names not known was present.

“Another search was conducted around the house in town where officers discovered burnt human bones in a rubbish pit with remains of burnt tires. Police picked up the remains of the victim and deposited them in Kawambwa District Hospital Mortuary for further examination.

He said the two suspects have since been apprehended and are leading the officers to the crime scene and also for the apprehension of others who are alleged to have jointly acted together.

Mr Hamoonga said the two are  Davy Chishiba Senior and Davy Chishiba Junior, Police are investigating the matter.