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The Independent Observer > Headlines > BOY 13, CONVICTED FOR DEFILEMENT


A 13 year old boy of Folotiya village in Chief Chama area in Kawambwa district has been convicted and sent to Katombola Reformatory School for defiling a 10 year old girl.

The juvenile offender was sent to Katombola Reformatory School by Luwingu Magistrate Maybin Kapaya.

Particulars of the offense are that the juvenile offender aged 13 years did have unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of 16 years contrary to section 138 (1) of the penal code as read together with act number 15 of 2005 and act number 2 of 2011 of the laws of Zambia.

The juvenile offender defiled a girl under the age of 10 years of Folotiya village in chief Chama of Kawambwa district on May 24, 2023.

The court heard that the incident happened after the child aged 10 was coming from school with her two friends and met the juvenile offender who was cycling a bicycle.

The juvenile offender stopped his bicycle and started chasing the girls and managed to catch them and tied two of them on the hands and legs after threatening to stab them with a knife if they shouted.

He later dragged the victim who looked older than the others and had carnal knowledge with her.
The girl testified in her testimony that during the incident, she tried to shout for help but failed as a juvenile offender covered her mouth with his bare hands until he finished the act.

After the incident, the girl reported the matter to her grandmother who also reported to Luwingu Police Station.

The juvenile was arrested on June 1, 2023.

During trial, the juvenile offender pleaded not guilty to the charge but was found quilt.

Magistrate Kapaya said in his judgement that the prosecution proved beyond reasonable doubt the evidence presented and the arguments put forward established the defendant’s guilt.

He was convicted to two years imprisonment and sent to Katombora Reformatory School for one count of defilement of a girl under the age of 16.