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The Independent Observer > Sports > Bowman welcomes lifting of Kalu ban, offer to pay his fine

Bowman welcomes lifting of Kalu ban, offer to pay his fine

Hon Bowman Chilosha Lusambo writes
As a football fan, I wish to join millions across the world that have welcomed the decision by the FIFA Appeals Committee to uphold the appeal lodged by our celebrated football icon Kalusha Bwalya and set aside the ban imposed by the adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Committee made in April 2018.

I am highly elated by the news that effectively means that Kalusha can now devote his time to the game that he passionately loves, football. Furthermore, this development heralds a fresh chapter in the redevelopment of our game particularly in Zambia.

As someone who always believed in and supported Kalusha’s appeal process, I can proudly state that the landmark decision by the Appeals Committee has vindicated me.

Having followed Kalusha’s career and his public life, I have to commend him for having handled this entire episode as a true gentleman he has always been.

After facing so much ridicule and disdain even from some of the people that personally benefitted from his football exploits, Kalusha has again shown tenacity, will power and the never-die spirit that has made him an accomplished sportsman.

My call is that the football family can now put the failures of the past few years behind and use this ground breaking ruling as an opportunity to get Zambian football back to winning ways.

The coming back of Kalusha into the fold means that the nation and the rest of Africa can again benefit from his unrivaled expertise in football administration.

To demonstrate my happiness, I pledge to pay the 10,000 Swiss Franc (K120,000) fine that the Appeals Committee has imposed on Kalusha.

The gesture does not way seek to cast aspersions on Kalusha’s ability to pay the fine but it is a small attempt at thanking Kalusha for the many years of great service to Zambia.

I also invite other well-meaning football fans to join me on this noble and humble crusade to offset the fine as a way of paying homage to a great Son of the soil. If only one hundred fans put away a K1,000 each, a greater portion of that fine would be paid off.

I should state clearly here that the funds to honour my pledge to pay the fine on behalf of Kalusha will be fully funded from my personal resources and will be made in my capacity as a football fan.

When history about Zambian and African football is finally written, we all know that Kalusha’s chapter will take its deserved place.

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