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Bernard Mwila kicks off Kamakonde campaigns

Patriotic Front Kamakonde aspiring ward Councillor of Kitwe Bernard Mwila says a Councillor should be a conveyor that brings people together in order to improve their livelihood.

Mr Mwila said a leader with a big heart can bring people together and embrace those with different ideas.

He said he aspires to be leader that works towards the needs of the people not to impress them but to address their needs.

Mr Mwila said Councillorship is not sitting in the council meeting doing nothing but it is a platform where one presents the people’s problems and finding a solution.

He said a developmental idea starts with the people in wards because they are the ones who appreciate their challenges.

“We are the mouth piece for our people in the ward and we work to bring service to them because a Councillor is like a village head and village head has to work together with his people even the ones who don’t agree with him. He ensures that his people are well and solves their needs,” he said.

Mr Mwila said consented effort and collaboration with the community enables a leader to succeed.