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Beachcraft e from participating in public procurement

The Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) has suspended Beachcraft Investments Limited from participating in public procurement for a period of two years for submission of a National Council for Construction (NCC) Certificate that was not genuine.

ZPPA Principal Officer Public Relations Iñutu Mushambatwa said that this was in a tender for the proposed Fit out of the Zambia National Provident Fund (ZNPF) processing center at Chitanda House in Kabwe.

Ms Mushambatwa said ZPPA instituted an investigation into the tender following a recommendation from the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA).

“During the investigations, it was observed that Beachcraft Investments Limited had attached an NCC Certificate that was issued under the repealed NCC Act of 2003 instead of the NCC Act No. 10 of 2020. Further, the Authority observed that submission of the NCC Certificate was a requirement provided in the solicitation document for the tender,” he said.

She said ZPPA established that Beachcraft Investments provided information that was not genuine in the tender for the proposed Fit Out of the ZNPF processing center at Chitanda House in Kabwe.

Ms Mushambatwa said the Provision of false information in a bid document submitted to a procuring entity in connection with a procurement process is a ground for suspension as provided in section 96(b) of the Public Procurement Act No. 8 of 2020

The suspension includes any ‘successor in interest’ including any entity which employs or is associated with any partners, directors or other officers considered as successors in interest.